Bouncer Interlock Robot

一个 网络安全 机器人 对于 Discord

Discord 骗局正在横冲直撞,但是 Bouncer 却在家门口拒绝这些骗局。它会立即扫描链接并从公共频道退回危险链接。

A Cybersecurity Bot
Malware addresses
Crypto Scams
Phishing Links
Bad URLs
Fake NFT drops
虚假 NFT 掉落

保护您的公众 Discord 频道

Bouncer 会立即扫描链接并删除错误的链接。保护您免受网络钓鱼和危险网站的侵害。

ThreatSlayer 与大多数主流浏览器兼容,只需点击一下即可安装,非常易于使用。

ThreatSlayer 与大多数主流浏览器兼容,只需点击一下即可安装,非常易于使用。

ThreatSlayer 与大多数主流浏览器兼容,只需点击一下即可安装,非常易于使用。


我们的开发人员一直在我们的科技馆训练 Bouncer,所以辛苦的工作已经为您完成了——一键邀请 Bouncer。一键授予其权限。


使用 ThreatSlayer 的 AI 体验实时威胁检测。它使用先进的技术进行训练,可以快速实时识别有害网站。


Bouncer 会立即将危险链接从你的 Discord 派对中移出。

Love Bouncer

“The security implications of self sovereignty in Web3 are an impossible burden for most users… ThreatSlayer is a simple browser extension that adds you to join am army of 20k users to crowdsource threats and earn as you go 🎯 Super excited for this one!”

Jamie Burke ⛺️


"We're using Bouncer at @AZERO_ID cuz we care about safety!🙌"



"Cyber security will be one of the most value producing infrastructure verticals in web3 “ThreatSlayer Users: Users are rewarded with $ILOCK for sharing anonymized security data” Looks like Interlock will be a first mover in this ecosystem built first and foremost on $AZERO"

Crypto Max


"Overall this is a sorely needed application of blockchain tech. Using crowdsourcing to aggregate and collect statistics and incentivizes participants to report info honestly. The incentives are clear to create real utility and value in this project and the $ILOCK token."

Matthew Niemerg


Unlike a lot of AI companies that materialized overnight, Interlock's team has been building and tuning AI-based web browsing protections for years. I'm excited about their potential for making risky web browsing safer.

Ajeet Khurana


“The security implications of self sovereignty in Web3 are an impossible burden for most users… ThreatSlayer is a simple browser extension that adds you to join am army of 20k users to crowdsource threats and earn as you go 🎯 Super excited for this one!”

Jamie Burke ⛺️


"We're using Bouncer at @AZERO_ID cuz we care about safety!🙌"



"Cyber security will be one of the most value producing infrastructure verticals in web3 “ThreatSlayer Users: Users are rewarded with $ILOCK for sharing anonymized security data” Looks like Interlock will be a first mover in this ecosystem built first and foremost on $AZERO"

Crypto Max


"Overall this is a sorely needed application of blockchain tech. Using crowdsourcing to aggregate and collect statistics and incentivizes participants to report info honestly. The incentives are clear to create real utility and value in this project and the $ILOCK token."

Matthew Niemerg


Unlike a lot of AI companies that materialized overnight, Interlock's team has been building and tuning AI-based web browsing protections for years. I'm excited about their potential for making risky web browsing safer.

Ajeet Khurana


“The security implications of self sovereignty in Web3 are an impossible burden for most users… ThreatSlayer is a simple browser extension that adds you to join am army of 20k users to crowdsource threats and earn as you go 🎯 Super excited for this one!”

Jamie Burke ⛺️


"We're using Bouncer at @AZERO_ID cuz we care about safety!🙌"



"Cyber security will be one of the most value producing infrastructure verticals in web3 “ThreatSlayer Users: Users are rewarded with $ILOCK for sharing anonymized security data” Looks like Interlock will be a first mover in this ecosystem built first and foremost on $AZERO"

Crypto Max


"Overall this is a sorely needed application of blockchain tech. Using crowdsourcing to aggregate and collect statistics and incentivizes participants to report info honestly. The incentives are clear to create real utility and value in this project and the $ILOCK token."

Matthew Niemerg


Unlike a lot of AI companies that materialized overnight, Interlock's team has been building and tuning AI-based web browsing protections for years. I'm excited about their potential for making risky web browsing safer.

Ajeet Khurana


Reuben Wong




保护您的公共 Discord 频道

Bouncer 会立即扫描链接并删除错误的链接。保护您免受网络钓鱼和危险网站的侵害。

加入 Discord 服务器

