Be sure of your own chops when it comes to crypto security and see if you’re ready to contribute to the ThreatSlayer community.

So you’ve heard from Rick on ThreatSlayer’s AI-based approach to security. Now, let’s test what we’ve learned and see how we’re doing.

This is an interactive quiz where you will get to answer questions based on the previous post so you can test yourself around this topic. It’s only 10 questions long and you’ll be able to score yourself at the end.

Taking this quiz will help you solidify your knowledge and, at the same time, play your part in keeping the community safe. The more aware you are of how scams, hacks, and exploits work — and how you can use ThreatSlayer to stop them — the stronger our community and our AI tool will be.

Let’s get started!

Grade yourself

Now, compare your answers below and add up the correct ones.

The answer key is:

  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D

What was your score out of 10? If you scored less than a 7 we strongly recommend you read Rick’s interview again.

If you scored 7 or over, congratulations! Let us know your score by commenting on the Twitter post!

Don’t miss a beat when it comes to the safety of your funds as you navigate both Web2 and Web3. Follow us on Twitter to stay on top of how we’re improving our AI and, if you still haven’t, download ThreatSlayer today.

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