Interlock is featured on Entrepreneur Magazine's "Elevator Pitch". Founder and CEO Rick Deacon discusses his hacker background and Interlock's innovative blockchain security products with the expert panel, including Marc Randolph, co-founder and original CEO of Netflix. Watch it now!

Stay Informed with Interlock's Latest News and Insights

ThreatSlayer Early User Rewards: A Massive 15 Million $ILOCK Airdrop Pool!
We're thrilled to announce the airdrop pool of 15 million $ILOCK tokens for our Early User Rewards. This means even bigger rewards for our dedicated ThreatSlayer champions!
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ThreatSlayer Update: Everything You Need to Know
What you need to know about ThreatSlayer update: new features, upcoming roadmap and what's in store for the future.
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Interlock Appoints Chris to Lead Ambassador Program
Interlock welcomes Chris, also known as Super Aleph Zero or @AlephSuper on social media, as the manager of our Ambassador Program. Chris's impressive track record and dedication over the past three years as an Ambassador for Aleph Zero convinced us he's the perfect fit. Chris will lead the program, designed to be a well-structured initiative with clear incentives and direction.
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