Browse Safely.
Earn Generously.

Meet ThreatSlayer — your bad-ass browser extension for instant, enterprise-grade security.

Easy Install
Earn Rewards
AI Protection
Google Reviews
Threat Slayer

The Guardian of
Your Browser

Say hello to ThreatSlayer, your personal browser bodyguard. With just one click, add it to your Chrome, Brave, or Edge browser and watch it slay harmful sites. The future blockchain-enable version of ThreatSlayer offers $ILOCK rewards for sharing security data and training our AI when it misclassifies a site.

Unleashing the Power of ThreatSlayer

Unlike traditional antivirus software, ThreatSlayer is a proactive security product. It doesn’t wait for trouble to find you, it finds trouble first. It provides protection before you download malware or enter your credentials.

Easy Install

Compatible with most major browsers, ThreatSlayer installs in just one click, making it incredibly user-friendly.

AI Protection

Experience real-time threat detection with ThreatSlayer's AI. Trained using advanced techniques, it swiftly identifies harmful websites in real time.

Rewards (coming soon)

Contribute anonymized data and earn $ILOCK tokens. Secure your browser, earn, and enhance online safety.

Protect Your Browser

Threat Slayer instantly scans links and removes the bad ones. Protecting you from phishing and dangerous sites.

Malware addresses
Malware addresses
Crypto Scams
Crypto Scams
Phishing Links
Phishing Links
Bad URLs
Bad URLs
Fake NFT drops
Fake NFT drops

AI Threat Detection: The Science Behind the Slayer

ThreatSlayer's advanced AI uses supervised learning to detect threats. Trained on a dataset of trusted and untrusted websites, it identifies key site characteristics to determine if they're harmful. The result? Real-time, proactive protection against threats.

Hear what our community is saying

“The security implications of self sovereignty in Web3 are an impossible burden for most users… ThreatSlayer is a simple browser extension that adds you to join am army of 20k users to crowdsource threats and earn as you go 🎯 Super excited for this one!”

Jamie Burke ⛺️


"We're using Bouncer at @AZERO_ID cuz we care about safety!🙌"



"Cyber security will be one of the most value producing infrastructure verticals in web3 “ThreatSlayer Users: Users are rewarded with $ILOCK for sharing anonymized security data” Looks like Interlock will be a first mover in this ecosystem built first and foremost on $AZERO"

Crypto Max


"Overall this is a sorely needed application of blockchain tech. Using crowdsourcing to aggregate and collect statistics and incentivizes participants to report info honestly. The incentives are clear to create real utility and value in this project and the $ILOCK token."

Matthew Niemerg


Unlike a lot of AI companies that materialized overnight, Interlock's team has been building and tuning AI-based web browsing protections for years. I'm excited about their potential for making risky web browsing safer.

Ajeet Khurana


“The security implications of self sovereignty in Web3 are an impossible burden for most users… ThreatSlayer is a simple browser extension that adds you to join am army of 20k users to crowdsource threats and earn as you go 🎯 Super excited for this one!”

Jamie Burke ⛺️


"We're using Bouncer at @AZERO_ID cuz we care about safety!🙌"



"Cyber security will be one of the most value producing infrastructure verticals in web3 “ThreatSlayer Users: Users are rewarded with $ILOCK for sharing anonymized security data” Looks like Interlock will be a first mover in this ecosystem built first and foremost on $AZERO"

Crypto Max


"Overall this is a sorely needed application of blockchain tech. Using crowdsourcing to aggregate and collect statistics and incentivizes participants to report info honestly. The incentives are clear to create real utility and value in this project and the $ILOCK token."

Matthew Niemerg


Unlike a lot of AI companies that materialized overnight, Interlock's team has been building and tuning AI-based web browsing protections for years. I'm excited about their potential for making risky web browsing safer.

Ajeet Khurana


“The security implications of self sovereignty in Web3 are an impossible burden for most users… ThreatSlayer is a simple browser extension that adds you to join am army of 20k users to crowdsource threats and earn as you go 🎯 Super excited for this one!”

Jamie Burke ⛺️


"We're using Bouncer at @AZERO_ID cuz we care about safety!🙌"



"Cyber security will be one of the most value producing infrastructure verticals in web3 “ThreatSlayer Users: Users are rewarded with $ILOCK for sharing anonymized security data” Looks like Interlock will be a first mover in this ecosystem built first and foremost on $AZERO"

Crypto Max


"Overall this is a sorely needed application of blockchain tech. Using crowdsourcing to aggregate and collect statistics and incentivizes participants to report info honestly. The incentives are clear to create real utility and value in this project and the $ILOCK token."

Matthew Niemerg


Unlike a lot of AI companies that materialized overnight, Interlock's team has been building and tuning AI-based web browsing protections for years. I'm excited about their potential for making risky web browsing safer.

Ajeet Khurana


Frequently Asked Questions

Does ThreatSlayer work on mobile?

Most mobile browser do not support extensions.

What data does ThreatSlayer collect?

Most mobile browsers are not compatible with extensions. However, ThreatSlayer does work with Kiwi browsers on Android phones.

Which browsers does ThreatSlayer work on?

ThreatSlayer is compatible with Chromium-compatible browsers: Chrome, Brave, Edge and Opera.

When will ThreatSlayer offer $ILOCK rewards?

We're currently internally testing ThreatSlayer with rewards. Once its complete, we will launch the mainnet version,  likely Q3.

Is ThreatSlayer the same as antivirus?

Traditional antivirus softwares are reactive security measure---it works after the damage has occurred. ThreatSlayer is proactive protection against threats, and locks down your browser before you download bad files or enter your credentials on phishing sites.

Browse Safely. Earn Generously.

Easy Install
Earn Rewards
AI Protection